St Albans

Location: Appleby
Denomination: Anglican
Built: 1867

The construction of St Albans Church in Appleby began on Thursday, the 14th of November in 1867 when the first foundation stone was laid. Four months later on the 25th of March, 1868, the church was dedicated by the second Bishop of Nelson, Andrew Suter. This meant that the church was now officially open to the Appleby community for services and for worship.

On the day of the church dedication, it was noted by local newspapers that the Bishop made a point of removing the new, impressive candlesticks that had been placed at the altar of the church before the commencement of the dedication ceremony. Afterall, the church was being dedicated to the local community of laymen and farmers, and the Bishop felt that the candlesticks may give an air of detached superiority and showiness that the congregation would find distasteful. The point was that church should be a place that we can come to God just as we are, without the intimidation that grandeur can sometimes bring.

Visit this church

2nd and 4th Sundays of the month - 10.30am
410 Appleby Highway, Best Island 7081

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Appleby, St Peter and St Pauls