All our photos are free to be used however and whenever! Although not necessary, a credit would be wonderful if you choose to use our photos.
Credit us by name on instagram @ChurchesofNZ
or with our website churchesof.nz
We only ask that you be respectful of the churches and that the photos will be used to honour the church and Jesus. If you need higher quality photos then please contact me and I will happily provide you with high quality images.
We are not affiliated with any of these churches.
Our Mission
Michaela and I have a deep love and heart for the bride of Christ. Regardless of what denomination the church is, we want to help in whatever way we can. Michaela and I both bring different skills to the help you out.
I have over 15+ years working in the creative field both within the church world and as a professional in the industry. I work as a designer / videographer for a large commercial company - taking care of all their advertising and website needs. I also work with Voice of the Martyrs as their marketing and creative coordinator.
Michaela is the phenomenally intelligent person, although she is younger, her study and experience working in department of education and with children can be a vital resource navigating research, funds and grants
Whatever we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.