Churches of NZ
Nga Hāhi o Aotearoa
Churches of NZ is a project to capture the history and beauty of the Christian Churches of New Zealand. It is a celebration of the community that worship and loves Jesus and a way to honour the legacy of our Christian kin.
We hope that this project excites you about the New Zealand Churches, new and old, rural and in the city. This project aims to edify you and to celebrate our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Coming Soon
Our hope and goal for this project is to not only to showcase the beauty of our church history but it is also to edify our fellow brothers and sisters.
Knowing who we are is one of the first steps we can take to know who we are as a family of believers. We have two pages coming out. The Church Foyer - our blog. It’s a little more candid and opinionated approach on what we do and (Clever Title to Come) to learn more about the denominations and the churches of New Zealand.